Case Studies


NEES  helped me to get identified in the society. I am proud to say NEES made me financially dependent to independent in my life.

I  Ruheena begum completed my Intermediate. Due to financial issue I could not continue my education. I wanted to do something so that I can keep myself busy. But I was unable to identify what I could do as I and my parents are not that much educated. One of my friend said me about NEES Training Center and suggested me to contact. I Contact with Noble programme coordinator and got   awareness about the training Program and courses offered. After getting detailed information I decided to enroll myself for the training programme. After joining the training programme I had shown an interest in learning the computer skills by taking data entry course. This was an entirely free training programme. Before joining the training, I had no knowledge about computers, during the programme I learned many aspects about it and got guidance from the faculty. I further added that this 2-month training program was a too small duration to learn technical knowledge but I successfully completed the training programme and came out with a lot of confidence.

Present after completion of the training I  am working in Debt Care Services and drawing the salary of about  Rs 8000/-.per month.

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NEES helped me awoke my hidden talent and made me to leave independently by earning a livelihood. Not only NEES focus to improve knowledge but also make us to learn how to lead the life and face the challenges.

Traditionally, a woman is taught that the happiness of the family lies in making her husband happy in all ways.  In case of  me , my  husband has taken a huge loan which was difficult to be repaid by him in the given time and the interest was increasing day by day. The peace of the family was greatly disturbed and this was creating many domestic problems. Experiencing to the fact that, it would be impossible for us  to clear the loan, if my husband alone would take the responsibility for the repayment; Hence i  at once decided to start my professional life.  As, I  have to look after my  children as well she felt she could not commit to a full time job. With the advice of my brother i accepted to join a vocational training centre.

NOBLE, by then started a new batch and was calling up for admissions. The advertisement of the courses was distributed at the major shuttle points of the area. Some of the handbills were dropped at the Grocery store as part of the campaigning. When I, , approached to the store i  had an eye on the handbill. I felt the courses were interesting and called up to the given numbers for contact. I got to know that still there were some vacancy and would be lucky enough to join the course immediately. As such I didn’t have the fixed idea to take up this course. I was informed that as per my requisition and interest there were vacancies in the Data Entry operator course. This course neither demanded a full time commitment not it would affect my family schedule and most of all, but had a good demand in the market. I felt that by taking up this course, my long time wish to be a computer operator would be gradually fulfilled. i learnt the course with great presence of mind and my output was appreciative.

Present Status: On successfully completion of my training i got appointed in blling section in a Lady Emporium with a salary of Rs 15,000/- per month.. I am positive that within a short period of time, I would be to able to clear the debts of my husband and looking forward for a better future. I even joined my children in good school as i am earning good.

Now a day every person having a zeal to become an independent identity in the society. NEES  helped me to become an independent individual with good confidence-levels.

 After so many family issues I completed my Degree but after completion of my degree I realized now a days there is no value of my degree without additional skills  both in computers and English ability

Hence I decided to take  training in  computers to get the job. Already my family faced so many problems to support for my degree. Now they clearly said we are not able to support a single Rupee for computer training if you want you can get job with your degree otherwise will do marriage. I am so confused how can I reach my job in this much competition without training.

One day suddenly I was seen a press note in paper about the NEES Training Center Which is giving free training for unemployed youth to become an employee. So I decide god has given another chance to my life to create my own carrier. I call to NEES team and visited the training center, good atmosphere and good infra for students. I got admitted in and successfully completed my course. Then after I got job at “Jagruthi Foundation” Nizamabad  as a Receptionist cum Counselor and now getting 10000/- per month.